bent horizons
Detail / Acrylic, ink, color pencil on canvas on board / 45" x 60" / 2008
bent horizons
Detail / Acrylic, ink, color pencil on canvas on board / 45" x 60" / 2008
when the bough breaks
Acrylic, ink, colored pencil on canvas on board / 42" x 43" / 2008
when the bough breaks
Detail / Acrylic, ink, colored pencil on canvas on board / 42" x 43" / 2008
memory in blue
Acrylic, ink, colored pencil on canvas on board / 42" x 43" / 2008
memory in blue
Detail / Acrylic, ink, colored pencil on canvas on board / 42" x 43" / 2008
room no view
Acrylic and ink on canvas on board / 2.5" x 30" / 2008
the story behind it
Acrylic and ink on canvas / 60" x 75" / 2008
the story behind it
Detail / Acrylic and ink on canvas / 60" x 75" / 2008
the story behind it
Detail / Acrylic and ink on canvas / 60" x 75" / 2008
the story behind it
Detail / Acrylic and ink on canvas / 60" x 75" / 2008
Studio installation / Acrylic and ink on drafting film / 2008
Studio installation / Acrylic and ink on drafting film / 2008
Detail / Studio installation / Acrylic and ink on drafting film / 2008
Detail / Studio installation / Acrylic and ink on drafting film / 2008