flying through the cuckoo's nest
paintings and site - specific installation
Zg Gallery, Chicago
October - November, 2012
Installation view
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One way to enter my work is through the drawing. A simple tool like a pen, is usually what activates an idea. With a pen I can navigate the overflow of information, of calm or erupting emotions, confusion, understandings and misunderstandings. The fragments the pen delivers from the mind´s eye via the hand onto a surface as lines gather together into a universe of their own. It is an abstract place made of fragmented thoughts.
When the drawing works itself into a 2D painting, color,and brush add more information and expand the universe.
Accordion books, canvases, large and small, sticks, translucent drafting film, fabric,and large site specific installations reflect both restlessness, clarity, and confusion. They also address the blurred boundaries between painting, drawing, and sculpture.
I am interested in the inner logic of emotion and how reason or logic contain emotion. The logic series, flight, fury, control, and exploration, are examples of work wrestling with these opposites.
My work is generated in a dialogue between not knowing and knowing. When I begin I do not know where my work will go or end up. The process is terribly frustrating, but also exhilarating when it surprises me. - October, 2012 : AJ