brot / fragment, fracture, fold, violation
site - specific installation
ASI Art Museum, Reykjavík
April 12 - May 18, 2014
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Working with oversize sheets of translucent drafting film, hand painted with acrylic and ink, paintings on canvas, and accordion books, Jóelsdóttir transforms Ásmundarsalur. The upstairs gallery becomes a site where ideas, experience, and history move across the space, bend, fold and break on wires and walls, are torn apart and reassembled, stapled, woven. Drawing from personal experience, art history, and interpretations of our fragmented existence, the structure and content reflect our everyday unconscious practice of creating personal narratives from memory and our inevitable interpretations and misinterpretations of human interaction.
The installation is created in the space. The first few photos show some moments of the process.
The video gives a different perspective helped with music.